Selling a home should be easy. Here are some things to consider before you start.

Here at we are firm believers that residential real estate is going through a massive change and that there is a major opportunity to build tools and provide services that empower home owners to take back ownership of a historically predatory industry and start putting more money from their home sale into their pocket.

With industry changing lawsuits popping up every day (examples here, here and here) the entire industry is in a state of change...and confusion. This confusion doesn't just hit home buyers and sellers – it's also hitting home for every agent (and realtor) in the US.

If you're in the market to sell a home, here are a few things to consider before you start:

  1. What is your timeline to sell?
  2. What is your bandwidth to sell? That is, do you have time to handle this, or are you occupied elsewhere?
  3. Are you comfortable using online tools for things like running Competitive Market Analysis, Marketing, handling offers or navigating the closing and legal needs?

These 3 questions are a great spot to start at and will help to point you in the right direction. Let's break them down:

Your Timeline

This is maybe the most important part of determining what path forward you want to take. While everyone wants to sell, understanding how much time you have (or need) to sell is important to determine how you start your sale – but this may not be the path you ultimately sell your home.

Your Bandwidth

How much time do you have on your hands? Are you working full time? Retired? How much free time can determine the level of effort you're able to put in – many of the tools available are very helpful, but require a bit of time dedicated to both learn and manage.

Your Comfort

Some people are quick learners. If you have a long timeline to sell, and a lot of bandwidth to dedicate to the sale, you give yourself more flexibility to learn new tools. If you're tech savvy, and a quick learner, your ability to go all in on self-service (or hybrid self-service / professional support) solutions increases.

These 3 things will point you to the solution that makes sense for you today. As with any sale, it's important to always be ready to adjust your strategy and pivot if results are less than satisfactory.

Not every home sale is the same, but understanding when you need to sell by, how much time you have to sell, and your ability to use online tools is going to determine your first step forward.

Whether a flat fee MLS listing, discount brokerage, or hiring a local agent, selling a home in 2024 has never been easier – or more profitable – for the Smartest Sellers in the market.