The Hottest Real Estate Markets in July 2024 and the impact of the NAR Lawsuits

The Hottest Real Estate Markets in July 2024 and the impact of the NAR Lawsuits
Photo by Wesley Tingey / Unsplash

The residential real estate market in July 2024 is not only sizzling with high demand and competitive prices but is also navigating significant changes due to industry lawsuits and National Association of Realtors (NAR) regulations. These legal challenges and regulatory updates are shaping how homes are sold across the country, affecting market dynamics in notable ways. This article explores the hottest real estate markets this month, focusing on how these legal and regulatory changes impact sellers.

Top 5 Hottest Real Estate Markets in July 2024

1. Austin, Texas

Austin remains a top market, driven by a booming tech industry and an influx of new residents. However, recent lawsuits against the NAR are influencing the local real estate landscape.

Impact of Legal and Regulatory Changes:

  • Agent Commission Lawsuits: Ongoing lawsuits challenging the traditional commission structures could lead to more transparent pricing and potentially lower transaction costs for sellers. According to Inman, these changes are making sellers more cautious and diligent in selecting their listing agents.
  • NAR Policy Shifts: New NAR rules emphasizing transparency in agent commissions are pushing sellers to negotiate harder and shop around for the best rates.

2. Nashville, Tennessee

Nashville’s market continues to thrive, with strong demand driven by its vibrant cultural scene and economic growth.

Impact of Legal and Regulatory Changes:

  • Increased Scrutiny: The Wall Street Journal reports that the heightened scrutiny of real estate commissions is leading to a more competitive market for real estate services, benefiting sellers who can now more easily compare and negotiate fees.
  • Regulatory Adjustments: Changes in NAR policies are ensuring that commission disclosures are more transparent, which helps sellers understand their costs better and negotiate more effectively.

3. Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix’s affordability and economic opportunities make it a hot market. However, it’s also feeling the effects of recent industry changes.

Impact of Legal and Regulatory Changes:

  • Class Action Lawsuits: According to HousingWire, ongoing class action lawsuits against large real estate firms are leading to increased competition among agents, which could result in lower commission rates for sellers.
  • NAR’s New Rules: With new NAR guidelines, sellers in Phoenix are becoming more informed about their agent’s commission structures, fostering a more competitive and transparent environment.

4. Charlotte, North Carolina

Charlotte’s status as a financial hub continues to drive its real estate market. The recent legal and regulatory changes are also having a significant impact.

Impact of Legal and Regulatory Changes:

  • Transparency in Transactions: As Bloomberg notes, the push for greater transparency in real estate transactions is helping sellers in Charlotte to better understand and negotiate their selling costs.
  • Competitive Agent Market: The increased competition among real estate agents due to the legal challenges is benefiting sellers by offering more options and potentially lower commission rates.

5. Boise, Idaho

Boise’s appeal lies in its outdoor lifestyle and affordability. The market is robust, but not immune to the broader industry changes.

Impact of Legal and Regulatory Changes:

  • Litigation Effects: The effects of national litigation are felt even in Boise, where sellers are becoming more aware of their rights and options when it comes to agent commissions, as highlighted by Forbes.
  • NAR Policies: Changes in NAR policies are ensuring that commission agreements are more transparent, helping sellers to make more informed decisions.

The lawsuits challenging traditional real estate commission structures are leading to a more competitive landscape for real estate services. This means sellers might find lower commission rates and more transparent fee structures, benefiting their bottom line.

2. NAR Regulatory Changes

The NAR’s new policies aim to make the real estate transaction process more transparent. Sellers are now better equipped to understand and negotiate their agent's commission, leading to potentially lower costs and better service.

3. Increased Seller Savviness

With more information and transparency available, sellers are becoming savvier in their dealings. They are more likely to shop around for the best agent deals and negotiate commission rates aggressively.

Three Bold Predictions for July 2024

1. Surge in FSBO Listings

With increased awareness of commission structures and the push for transparency, more homeowners will attempt to sell their homes themselves to avoid paying high commission fees. Expect a 10% rise in For Sale By Owner (FSBO) listings by the end of the month.

2. Decline in Average Commission Rates

The ongoing lawsuits and regulatory changes will lead to a noticeable decline in the average real estate commission rates. By the end of July, expect commission rates to drop by 0.5% to 1% on average.

3. Increase in Discount Brokerage Usage

Discount and flat-fee brokerages will see a surge in usage as sellers look for cost-effective ways to list their homes. These services, which offer lower fees while still providing essential services, will become more popular, leading to a 15% increase in market share for discount brokerages by the end of the month.

What This Means for Sellers

If you're selling a home in these hot markets, it’s crucial to stay informed about the ongoing legal and regulatory changes. These shifts are likely to affect how you interact with real estate agents, how much you pay in commissions, and the overall cost-effectiveness of selling your home.

Tips for Sellers:

  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest news on real estate lawsuits and NAR policy changes. Reputable sources include Inman, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes.
  • Negotiate Commissions: Use the increased transparency to your advantage by negotiating lower commission rates with your real estate agent.
  • Consider FSBO or Discount Brokerages: Explore FSBO options or discount brokerages to reduce selling costs while still reaching a wide audience.


July 2024 is proving to be a dynamic month for the residential real estate market, with significant legal and regulatory changes impacting how homes are sold. By staying informed and taking advantage of these changes, sellers can navigate the market more effectively and potentially save on transaction costs. Keep an eye on the hottest markets and be prepared for continued evolution in the real estate landscape.

For more detailed and up-to-date information, check out these reputable sources:

Stay tuned for more insights and updates as we navigate through the evolving real estate landscape of 2024.