What questions to ask Houzeo?

When speaking with a Houzeo specialist about listing your FSBO (For Sale By Owner) home on the MLS, consider asking the following questions:

  1. Pricing and Fees:
    • What are the different pricing packages available for listing my home on the MLS?
    • Are there any additional fees or costs that I should be aware of, such as listing changes or cancellation fees?
  2. MLS Listing Process:
    • How does the MLS listing process work with Houzeo?
    • How long does it typically take to get my home listed on the MLS after signing up?
  1. Visibility and Syndication:
    • Will my listing be visible on popular real estate websites and platforms?
    • How many potential buyers will my listing reach through syndication?
  2. Support and Assistance:
    • What kind of support can I expect from Houzeo throughout the listing process?
    • Is there a dedicated support team or a personal concierge service available?
  3. Additional Services:
    • What additional services does Houzeo offer to help me sell my home, such as yard signs, professional photography, or virtual tours?
    • Are these services included in the package price or available as add-ons?
  4. Contract and Negotiation Support:
    • Does Houzeo offer any assistance with contract review or negotiation?
    • Are there any additional costs associated with these services?
  5. Cancellation and Refunds:
    • What is the cancellation policy for the MLS listing service?
    • Are there any conditions under which I can receive a refund?
  6. Local Market Expertise:
    • How well does Houzeo understand the real estate market in Washington State?
    • Can the specialist provide insights into the local market trends and pricing strategies?
  7. Success Stories and Reviews:
    • Can you share some success stories or testimonials from FSBO sellers who have used Houzeo in Washington State?
    • How do Houzeo's services compare to other FSBO listing options in the area?

By asking these questions, you can gain a better understanding of Houzeo's services, pricing, and support, helping you make an informed decision about listing your FSBO home on the MLS.

Want to get started with Houzeo now? Start below: